3rd ANNUl Community Health & Wellness Summit

February 20th at First Lutheran Church in Detroit Lakes
7:45am – 4:00 pm  FREE!  No RSVP necessary.Lunch provided

2018 Summit Presentations

Opening Prayer and Celebration

Community & Healthcare

Community Health Needs Assessment Results – 2017

Planning From the Future – Jim Bensen. “Renowned expert on innovation and visionary community planning – be inspired!”

Celebrating Success in 2017

  1. MN Flyers & Special Education Programming
  2. Drug and Mental Health Awareness
  3. Active Living & Healthy Food Access
  4. Tobacco Reduction


  1. Lifestyle Change- weight loss and diabetes prevention
  2. Becker County Energize 101- what is it all about?
  3. Ministry in Community: Helping to access resources
  4. Health Living: Manna Food Coop, The Heartland Trail
  5. Mental Well-Being and Drug Prevention: Awareness & Access
  6. Building Resiliency in Youth: Trauma Sensitive Training and ACES
  7. Volunteer Where?   Here!

Need more information?   Contact Karen Crabtree at Karen.crabtree@essentiahealth.org or at 218-844-8379

Click Flyer For PDF